Thursday, January 29, 2009

Faith, the 2-legged dog. something to think about...

This is a story about a dog who was born on Christmas Eve in 2002.

He was born with 3 legs - 2 healthy hind legs and 1 abnormal front leg which needed to be amputated..

He, of course , could not walk when he was born. Even his mother did not want him.

He was rejected and scorned.

Watch an amazing video of Faith

The puppy was just weeks old, missing his two front legs and found abandoned with his siblings in a box along a Central Florida road.

To Jude Stringfellow, hundreds of miles away in Oklahoma, it was a sign from God.

"God sends some people to Africa, and some people he gives two-legged dogs to," she said. "I'm obviously that one person."

Next month, she will adopt the puppy, Tanker, and bring him home to meet Faith, Stringfellow's Chinese chow chow, who also was born with two legs. Faith, now 6 years old, has dazzled and inspired people around the world with her ability to walk upright.

It's too soon to say whether Tanker, now about the size of a guinea pig and with a white stripe down the middle of his face, will also be able to walk upright -- it depends on his breed, which is still unknown, and how big he gets. Stringfellow might equip him with wheels instead. Either way, she already has plans for him.

Tanker will play the puppy version of Faith in a movie Stringfellow is working on about her dog. It will be a fictional story about a soldier who loses his legs in Iraq and finds the will to live when he meets Faith. Director and writer Ken Farmer said he will use makeup to lighten Tanker's fur so he better resembles Faith. Farmer is an independent filmmaker and said he hopes his movie, called Faith, becomes a sleeper hit.

As for Tanker, he has no idea that he's any different from his littermates.

"Right now, he's just a puppy," said Judy Walker, a volunteer at Pet Rescue by Judy in Sanford, who has been caring for Tanker. Judy Sarullo, the shelter's founder, met Stringfellow and Faith at a convention. When she saw little Tanker, she immediately thought of them.

For now, Tanker wriggles around, powering himself forward with his hind legs and clumsily moving the little nubs where his front legs should be. He's under Walker's constant care, even accompanying her to square-dancing class.

Stringfellow said she's certain that Faith and Tanker will get along well. The former English professor left her job when Faith came into her life about five years ago.

With a spoonful of peanut butter and a lot of determination, she taught Faith to walk.

The dog is somewhat awkward, but she has captured hearts wherever she has gone. She has walked across the stage on The Oprah Winfrey Show and other TV programs.

She and Stringfellow visited so many injured soldiers that the pooch was given an honorary commission as a sergeant in the Army.

"There are times when the doctors will call me and say, 'Listen we've got a soldier here who hasn't spoken in four weeks. Can you bring the dog up?' " Stringfellow said. "It won't take 30, 40 minutes before he's loosened up a bit."

They go on motivational tours across the country. Stringfellow has written books about Faith. When Stringfellow was teaching part time she liked to tell her students, "If I can make a dog walk upright, your homework will be turned on time."

Faith was born at Christmastime, just like Tanker. Stringfellow named Tanker in honor of her son, who is serving in Iraq. In the movie, in addition to playing the puppy Faith, Tanker also might play himself.

At the movie's end, Stringfellow envisions Faith turning to the puppy and saying, "We've got a lot of work to do."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Little Nonya 小娘惹

The Little Nonya 小娘惹

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oprah Winfrey - Puppy Mills

i urge those who want to buy dog to consider adoption instead.

Watch this show by Oprah Winfrey.









Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wonderful Uses For Petroleum Jelly

Below are but a few of the many uses people have found for the wonder ointment, Vaseline Petroleum Jelly:
1. Water Rings on Wood Furniture:-
Rub petroleum into damaged area with your fingers and let stand for a few hours or if possible overnight. In the morning remove excess jelly with a paper towel and buff with a soft cloth.
2. Super Glue Cap:-
Often after it's first use, the super glue cap ends up stuck fast to the tube and can't be used again. Put a thick coating of jelly inside the cap threads to keep it from gluing itself shut. This will work on any cap or lid that may stick.
3. To Shine Shoes:-
A thin coating of jelly on shoes, boots and purses will keep them looking great and repel water and road salt. Wipe on a thin layer and wipe off excess with a soft cloth.
4. Squeaky Doors:-
Quiet a squeaky door hinge with a coating of petroleum jelly on the hinge pin. Your door will be quiet and you don't have to worry about messy drips.
5. Keep Your Hands Clean:-
No matter what the chore, if it is messy rub on Petroleum Jelly before you begin. It will keep paint, stain, car grease, and garden dirt from embedding in your skin. It will soften your hands while protecting your skin. Just wipe off with paper towel or an old rag for clean up.
6. Hair Coloring:-
To keep hair color from staining your skin, apply Petroleum Jelly along hairline and ears before you begin.
7 . Cuts and Sores:-
When Petroleum Jelly first hit the market, it's purpose was for protecting cuts and scrapes by acting as a barrier to keep out moisture and bacteria.
8. Moisturizer:-
If you have sensitive skin Petroleum Jelly can be used as an all over body moisturizer. It contains no chemicals or perfumes.
9. Car Battery Posts:-
Stop battery post corrosion by applying Petroleum Jelly on the terminals.
10. Outdoor Lights:-
A thin coating of Petroleum Jelly on light bulb threads will prevent them from sticking when they need to be replaced.
11. Nail Polish/Manicure protector :-
Rub Petroleum Jelly on the skin around your nails before polishing. If you make a mistake it can be wiped off when your nails are dry and it softens cuticles at the same time.
12. Paint Cans:-
Petroleum Jelly forms an air tight seal when applied around the inside edge of the can.
13. Sticky Drawers:-
Apply petroleum Jelly along the runner on a sticky drawer to make it slide more freely.
14. Rough Feet:-
If you are like so many people, your feet are hard, calloused and dry. Apply petroleum Jelly to your feet after bathing or showering. Apply within the first three minutes of bathing before the moisture on your skin evaporates. It will make your feet softer, and act as a moisture barrier to keep your feet from drying out. Applying it right out of the shower helps absorption. You can also put it on your feet before bed and wear socks and you’ll wake up with soft, smooth, lovely feet.
15. Moisturize Chapped Lips:-
Apply as needed or if you have very bad chapped lips and need a quick remedy apply a thick coat cover with Glad Wrap-保鲜膜(those plastic that you use to cover your food to keep in the fridge) for 10 minutes, remove the Glad Wrap and leave the petroleum on your lips overnight. In fact, moisturize your whole body. You can use it on your hands, elbows, knees, wherever!
16. Makeup Remover:-
Use as you would any makeup remover. It removes makeup safely while softening your skin.
17. Eyelashes:-
Make your eyelashes grow, many people swear by this trick. Apply every night before bed and over time you will have longer, stronger, thicker lashes.
18. Remove false eyelash glue:-
Rub a little on your eyelashes to remove frustrating leftover glue from fake eyelashes.
19. Gloss your lips:-
Vaseline works great as a sheer, shiny gloss. ( You can also add Kool-Aid mix to the Vaseline to make your favorite lip gloss color. Yummy!)
20. Cheek :-
Look dewy. Apply to your cheeks for a radiant dewy glow.

21. Remove false eyelash glue:-
Rub a little on your eyelashes to remove frustrating leftover glue from fake eyelashes.
22. Perfume extender
A thin layer on your wrist before
23. Diaper Rash:-
Use in place of expensive ointments and creams to prevent rash.
Tight Finger Rings: Apply to your finger and the ring will slide off.
24. Nuts and Bolts:-
Keep nuts, bolts and screws from rusting by coating with Petroleum before using.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Korean Drama The Last Scandal of my Life 我人生最后的绯闻

This is one of the best Korean Drama that i like.

崔真实--饰洪善熙 郑俊浩--饰宋在彬 郑雄仁--饰张东和 卞贞秀--饰李娜胤

Story line :-

丈夫事业破产后失踪,婆婆和小姑子刁蛮,自己要打零工养家,人到中年的主妇善熙在人生最艰难的时刻没有气馁,而是勇敢地去面对。期间她邂逅了初恋情人、化名宋在彬的张东哲,可是在彬对已美貌不再的她故作不识,这可气坏了善熙,原本就聪明的她想方设法骚扰在彬,浪漫的故事也就由此而生……   这是一部为中年女性奉上的电视剧。女人三十九,既不老也不年轻的年龄,使用再高级的化妆品也会有皱纹爬上眼角,只有心还停留在十九岁,渴望着浪漫的爱情。重逢初恋情人?是想一想就会心潮澎湃的事,这部剧的内容超越了现实或幻想,看后让人开怀一笑。剧中灰姑娘是年龄三十九、拖着孩子的准大妈,实际上中年女性也的确拥有胜过青春年少的魅力。   中年女人,不再年轻却拥有了智慧,为了家人甚至很少顾及自己,这才是真正的爱;懂得谦虚,懂得感恩,又如何能不美丽?这部剧会告诉女人们,即使四十,即使五十,也还因为你是女人而美丽 ……

Thursday, January 1, 2009

珠光宝气 全集 粤语和国语 2008 TVB

[剧 名]: 珠光宝气
[集 数]: 82 集
[主 演]: 林保怡 陈豪 蔡少芬 黎姿 邵美琪 黄宗泽 钟嘉欣 王喜 李司棋 关礼杰 黄德斌 姜大卫 岳华 刘丹 陈鸿烈 马海伦 陈秀珠
[语 言]: 国语

《珠光宝气》主要讲述嫁入豪门的邵美琪 、 黎姿 、 蔡少芬三姐妹的故事。 大家姐邵美琪是事业型,埋头苦干;二妹黎姿个性比较单纯,爱情至上;三妹蔡少芬野心大,个性张扬。 三姐妹分别嫁给了三个豪门人物。 由于丈夫间存在着生意上的竞争,三姐妹也一度反目。 该剧监制戚其义表示,与传统的TVB长剧不同,《 珠光宝气 》里面并没有“谁是谁的私生子”之类的家族恩怨,也没有“打打杀杀”,更多的是人性的冲突,以情感人。 另外,剧中对上流社会进行了详细的描述,也是一大看点。
故事围绕三位不同个性的新生姐妹--雅言、雅瞳和雅思。 她们高贵优雅,流着贵族的血,举手投足无不流露出大家闺秀的风范。 在人生的轨迹上,他们认识了城中的青年才俊。 他们懂得享受生活,或品红酒,或抽雪茄,扬帆出海,逐浪赛艇。 她们与他们相识、相爱、相分,一起卷入商战世界,她们与他们成长、反省、醒悟、经历人生高低起跌。

珠光宝气 全集 国语



珠光宝气 全集 粤语

第1-40集 (not all cantonese)

第41集 (this consist of 37-65, scroll to 41 to watch 41)
