Saturday, April 11, 2009

Great Compassion Mantra 大悲咒

I happened to come across this Mantra and this is the firt time i listen to Mantra i think this is really nice.

Great Compassion Mantra 大悲咒

The Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāranī (नीलकण्ठ धारनी) also known as Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī (महा करुणा धारनी), popularly known as the Great Compassion Mantra in English, and known as the Dàbēi Zhòu (大悲咒) in Mandarin Chinese, is a dharani of Mahayana Buddhist origin. It was spoken by the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara before an assembly of Buddhas, bodhisattvas, devas and kings, according to the Mahakarunikacitta Sutra. Like the now popular six-syllable mantra, it is a popular mantra synonymous with Avalokitesvara in East Asia. It is often used for protection or purification.

Twelve scrolls of Nīlakaṇṭha Lokeśvara (नीलकण्ठ लोकेश्वर) (lit. "blue-necked Lord of the world") texts were found in the Dunhuang (敦煌) stone cave along the Silk Road in today's Gansu (甘肅) province of China. It is notable that Sramana Bhagavaddhrama accomplished the translation at Khotan in South India. The text of the Nīlakaṇṭha was translated into Chinese by three masters in the seventh and early eighth centuries, first by Chih-t'ung (智通 Zhitōng) twice between 627-649 AD (T. 1057a and T. 1057b, Nj. 318), next by Bhagavaddharma between 650-660 AD (T. 1059 and T. 1060, Nj.320), and then by Bodhiruci in 709 AD (T. 1058, Nj. 319).

The Siddham script of Chinese Tripitaka (T. 1113b, 20.498-501) was corrected by a comparison with the Chih-t'ung version, which is found in the Ming Tripitaka. All the Sanskrit texts in the Ming Tripitaka were collected together by Rol-pahi Rdorje in the quadrilingual collection of dhāranīs which bears the title: Sanskrit Texts from the Imperial Palace at Peking. The prime objective was to restore the Sanskrit text with the help of the Tibetan texts. The Rol-pahi rdorje’s reconstruction (STP. 5.1290-6.1304) of the Nīlankanthaka as transcribed by Chih-t'ung during 627-649 (T. 1057b, Nj. 318) is longer than that of Amoghavajra (不空金剛) and is a remarkable effort at textual reconstruction, undertaken as early as the first half of the 18th century. However, Chih-t'ung's version is rarely mentioned in the Mahayana tradition.

The Nīlankantha Dhāranī was translated into Chinese by Vajrabodhi (金剛智, worked 719-741 AD T.1112), twice by his disciple Amoghavajra (worked 723-774 AD, T. 1111, T. 1113b) and in the 14th century by Dhyānabhadra (worked 1326-1363 AD, T. 1113a). Amoghavajra's version (T. 1113b) was written in Siddham script in the Chinese Tripitaka (T. 1113b, 20.498-501). This version is the most widely accepted form today.

Monday, April 6, 2009

寂寞再唱歌 By 阿桑 A very nice song!!!





[编辑] 其他


le ciel obscure
la solitude qui nous rends trop de poline
le ceour qui brise
a cause quil y a veul seul
lamour est partie il ya longtemps que je tai vu
cest incroyable que je peut vivre comme ca

天黑了孤独又慢慢割著 有人的心又开始疼了

爱很远了很久没再见了 就这样竟然也能活著

你听寂寞在唱歌 轻轻的狠狠的
歌声是这么残忍 让人忍不住泪流成河

谁说的人非要快乐不可 好像快乐由得人选择

找不到的那个人来不来呢? 我会是谁的谁是我的?

你听寂寞在唱歌 轻轻的狠狠的
歌声是这么残忍 让人忍不住泪流成河
你听寂寞在唱歌 温柔的疯狂的
悲伤越来越深刻 怎样才能够让它停呢?

你听寂寞在唱歌 轻轻的狠狠的
歌声是这么残忍 让人忍不住泪流成河
你听寂寞在唱歌 温柔的疯狂的
悲伤越来越深刻 怎样才能够让它停呢?

你听寂寞在唱歌 轻轻的狠狠的
歌声是这么残忍 让人忍不住泪流成河
你听寂寞在唱歌 温柔的疯狂的
悲伤越来越深刻 谁能帮个忙让它停呢?



阿桑 Blog:-

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

流浪狗之家Hotel for Dogs 2009

流浪狗之家Hotel for Dogs 

Genres: Comedy, Kids/Family and Adaptation
Running Time: 1 hr. 40 min.
Release: 2009

When their new guardians forbid 16-year old Andi and her younger brother, Bruce to have a pet, Andi has to use her quick wit to help find a new home for their dog, Friday. The resourceful kids stumble upon an abandoned hotel and using Bruce's talents as a mechanical genius, transform it into a magical dog-paradise for Friday--and eventually for all Friday's friends. When barking dogs make the neighbors..


《流浪狗之家Hotel for Dogs》的剧情简介是由优酷网在互连网上搜集到的网络资源,谨供参考;这又是一部根据小说改编,关于狗狗趣事的影片。故事情节很夸张,讲述的是16岁的Andi和他的弟弟Bruce本是孤儿,收养他们的家庭有一项严厉的禁令就是“不准养宠物”,Andi于是不得不为他们名字叫星期五的狗狗再赶快找一个新家。偶然间,孩子们发现了一座地处偏僻已经废弃的旅馆,他们就打算把“星期五”放到这里。姐弟俩叫来了朋友,把旅馆重新收拾整理了一下,狗狗就在这里入住了。没多久,周围的其他流浪狗渐渐“慕名而来”,狗狗越来越多。于是孩子们运用聪明才智,发明创造了一系列方便、使用但又很搞笑的自动装置,很快,这里便成了“流浪狗之家”。但是,这也引起了城市里警察的注意,他们慢慢的查到了这个地方。孩子们为了保护狗狗要将其转移,可是这么多狗如何以此转移出去?一场斗智斗勇大战就要开始了……

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

婴灵恶泣 The unborn 2009

婴灵恶泣 The unborn 2009

Release: 2009
Language: English
Running Time: 87 mins
Genre: Thriller / Horror
Starring: Meagan Good, Gary Oldman, Odette Yustman, Cam Gigandet
Directed by: David S. Goyer

Casey Bell hated her mother for leaving her as a child. However, when inexplicable things start to happen, Casey begins to understand why she left. Plagued by merciless dreams and a tortured ghost that haunts her waking hours, she must turn to the only spiritual advisor, Sendak. With his help, Casey uncovers the source of a family curse dating back to Nazi Germany - a creature with the ability to inhabit anyone or anything, which is getting stronger with each possession. With the curse unleashed, her only chance at survival is to shut a doorway from beyond our world that has been pried open by someone who was never born.


  故事的主人公凯西·贝尔(奥黛塔·雅丝曼饰)是一个孤儿,她一直有一个心结,那 就是对母亲的无尽怨恨。因为在她很小的时候,母亲就将她抛弃,从而使她在人生的道路上经历了远远超越她年龄的坎坷。但是即便如此,她依然试图探究当年母亲 抛弃自己的原因,但是最后她惊恐地发现,真相不用她去寻找,因为它已经找上门来了!
 贝尔开始注意到身边逐渐发生的一些事情,这是事情诡异而难以解释。先是她不断地被恐怖的噩梦所纠缠,随后她发现自己的双眼发生异变,进而经常产生令人 发狂的幻象。但不论这些幻象如何变化,其中不变的是一个诡异小男孩常常出没其中,而且无时无刻不在对她进行着骚扰。随着事情渐渐难以控制,贝尔试图去探究 背后的缘由,而这一切都似乎与当年母亲抛弃自己有关,贝尔认为母亲必有苦衷。无奈之时,在男友的劝说下贝尔向驱魔师山达克(加里·奥德曼饰)求助,而山达 克的介入却引发了一连串意想不到的事件。事情进一步向失控的边缘靠拢,自己家族中的古怪秘闻被一股脑地扯了出来。根据秘史的记载,早至二战时期的德国,有 一种邪恶且被诅咒的恶灵,它可以附着在普通人的身上,同时赋予所寄宿之人强大的超自然力量。但由于它被诅咒,所以它降临人世的方法异常怪异——通过永远不 能出世的孩子,贝尔在调查的过程中发现她竟然有一位从来不知道的双胞胎弟弟,而这个弟弟似乎成为了这种恶灵的宿体。更恐怖的还在后面,因为似乎这个恶灵打 算要降生于世了……

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Monday, March 23, 2009

学警狙击 粤语和国语 2009 TVB

[剧 名]: 学警狙击 E.U. (Emergency Unit)
[播 送]: 马来西亚 Astro On Demand, 翡翠台 , 高清翡翠台,DVD,VCD
[类 型]: 时装警匪剧
[集 数]: 30 集
[监 制]: 黄伟声
[编 审]: 朱镜祺、梁恩东
[主 演]: 苗侨伟、周海媚、吴卓羲、陈键锋、谢天华、江若琳、梁嘉琪、林嘉华
[首 播]: 2009年2月16日-2009年3月27日


学警狙击 粤语和国语 (scroll to view either in cantonese or chinese and the episode)