Thursday, April 24, 2008

第一诫 粤语和国语 RULE # 1 2008

第一诫 粤语和国语 RULE # 1

In Mandarin with English and Chinese subtitles
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Director: Kelvin Tong
Cast: Ekin Cheng, Shawn Yue, Fiona Xie, Stephanie Che, Liu Wan, Bill Liu
RunTime: 1 hr 35 mins


RULE #1 is a horror-thriller about cops. There are no helpless female victims here. Instead, the prey are policemen who, despite possessing guns, find themselves at their wits’ end when confronted by bloodthirsty ghouls and spirits. RULE #1 takes place in an unnamed Asian city and tells the story about two cops - a rookie and veteran. As the body count rises and our two protagonists find themselves ankle-deep in blood, themes of bonding, faith, heroism and betrayal are explored. As good battles evil, the line is drawn somewhere between the truth and lies. This is no man’s land. This is gray.

导演:Kelvin Tong
每天,警队大约接获185宗电话报警求助,当中180个与打架、强奸、谋杀、抢劫、绑架有关;其余5宗是那些“我家有点不寻常”之类的求助电话。  杂务科的责任就是负责调查这些“不寻常”的案件。  新扎师兄李国强在一次巡逻时,击毙被通缉多年的连环杀手,及后更非自愿性地被调派到另一部门——杂务科,自此展开了一连串的灵异通缉之旅。  有别于警队除暴安良、歼灭罪恶的英勇职务,杂务科处理不寻常案件的手法,往往是耐人寻味得令人无所适从。  杂务科另一要员,性情古怪兼嗜酒如命的部门主管黄SIR,他与李SIR合力为杂务科解决每一个不寻常的求助,消除每一个求助市民的恐慌。在执行任务的同时,黄SIR煞有介事地向李SIR声明杂务

第一诫 粤语 RULE # 1

第一诫 国语 RULE # 1 Part one

第一诫 国语 RULE # 1 Part Two

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